What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a complete vibrational history of every thought, experience, emotion, and interaction of every soul that has existed. Think of the records as the library of your soul that contain infinite information from the past, present, and future.

We access your records through meditation and prayer. In other words, we tap into the energy of your highest self! In this frequency we’ll receive guidance and wisdom to support you in this lifetime. Help you to receive clarity, expand your frequency, and guide you back to a life that feels aligned. You will come to the session with 3-4 questions regarding life, love, career, practically anything that you wish to receive guidance on.

I work with color and will channel in specific hues to assist with healing and nourishing your soul with focus on your CHAKRAS or energy centers. Color is incredibly powerful and healing medium to work with. You will leave the session with a personalized color prescription filled with healing energy and love.

Each session is 55 mins via Zoom.